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NAO Rozhen supports

the European astronomy contest “Catch a Star”


The goal of the European Astronomy Contest Catch a Star is to stimulate the creativity and independent work of students from secondary schools, to strengthen and expand their astronomical knowledge and skills, and to help the spread of information technologies in the educational process.


The Catch a Star program encourages students to work together, to learn about astronomy and discover things for themselves by analysing information on an astronomical object.


NAO Rozhen is the main sponsor of the contest. The Observatory gives the first 3 big prizes - 30 min remote observations with the 2m RCC, 50/70 Schmidt and Zeiss-600 Telescopes. This will offer for the students the unique opportunity to work with professional instruments and to try to solve some astrophysical problems.



Please, visit the webpages of the European Association for Astronomy Education and the European Southern Observatory for more information.





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